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Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis. Remember these answers are simple and practical answers to these questions. If you want more detail, please call.

On the one hand, being angry can be constructive and beneficial, leading us to take positive action to meet a short-term goal or remedy a difficult situation. On the other hand, anger can often reveal itself in a toxic and destructive manner that causes people to lose control of their emotions, putting themselves and others in harm’s way. Destructive anger can take the form of passive-aggression, sarcasm, and cold anger to verbal abuse, hostility, and physical aggression.

Category: Anger Management

While anger is a natural part of life, experiencing intense anger frequently – a condition known as high-trait anger – can begin to have a negative effect on our physical bodies. When left unmanaged, the emotional aspects of chronic, high-trait anger can slowly cause physical damage and compromise the body’s ability to regulate internal functions. Keeping chronic anger unchecked will inevitably lead to an increased risk of developing significant health complications, such as hypertension, stroke, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer.

Category: Anger Management

There are many common myths and misunderstandings surrounding anger, and it’s important to distinguish fact from fiction. Some of the common myths involving anger include:

  • Anger is only a negative emotion
  • Anger is only caused by others
  • Venting anger is a healthy way to let off steam
  • Ignoring anger eliminates the problem
  • Anger management only suppresses the problem
Category: Anger Management

Although anger is an emotion in and of itself, it can manifest in many different ways, involving many intricate feelings. Anger can vary in intensity, whether felt from guilt and shame, during times of unfairness, or in moments of impatience or extreme emotional distress. Fear, sadness, anxiety, disappointment, uncertainty, and many other feelings can all be rooted in one’s anger.

Category: Anger Management

Yes. Some people experience intense fits of anger all at once for a very short time, while anger in others may be less severe but occur more frequently. Since so many varying factors can cause anger, it can present itself in different ways and take on many forms.

Category: Anger Management

Anger typically falls under one of three categories: passive aggression, open aggression, and assertive anger. A passive-aggressive person triggered by their anger avoids confrontation and behaves in resentful or opposing ways that conceal what’s truly wrong, usually in an attempt to remain in control. Open aggression is the polar opposite of passive aggression, referring to an emotional response to anger causing someone to behave with hostility, whether in the form of verbal abuse or physical harm to others.

While passive aggression and open aggression are unhealthy forms of anger rooted in a desire for control, assertive anger is the ideal approach to managing one’s anger. Assertive anger refers to an individual acknowledging they are upset and making a conscious effort to resolve the situation in a civil manner.

Category: Anger Management

Anger is a deeply personal and often overwhelming emotion caused by any number of circumstances. Anger can occur very quickly all at once from one singular event, such as someone causing harm, being wronged, or being made to feel inferior. Anger can also compound slowly and manifest over time, whether from stress, financial hardship, poor living conditions, or recollecting painful memories. These triggers, genetics, lifestyle choices, and upbringing all play a part in developing anger disorders and how people cope with their anger. What Causes Anger?

Category: Anger Management

Anger is a cycle typically broken down into five stages: the trigger, escalation, crisis, recovery, and depression.

  • Trigger – The trigger refers to the cause that leads to an emotional response of anger.
  • Escalation – A reaction of anger causes the body to react to confrontation in the form of elevated heart rate and faster breathing.
  • Crisis – As the body continues to respond physically, the mind may lose the ability to see reason, leading to a potentially irrational time of crisis.
  • Recovery – The crisis stage will eventually peak, allowing your body to cool off and reach a recovery stage.
  • Depression – The recovery stage lets the body and mind settle back into a calm state, allowing rationality and judgment to return.
Category: Anger Management

Anger has its benefits. Moments of anger can focus our attention and prepare us to take positive action. But anger can often become problematic and put our health at risk. If your anger compounds your stress, clouds your judgment, or causes you to act out and negatively impact others, it is directly interfering with your ability to think and behave appropriately and should be addressed.

Category: Anger Management

It’s ultimately up to you to be honest with yourself about your anger. Take a long look at the times you’ve allowed your emotions to get the better of you and affect others around you. If you experience anger often, find it difficult to avoid outbursts, or have allowed your anger to take control, know there is professional help available.

Category: Anger Management

Everyone experiences anger. Being angry is a natural occurrence that can be managed appropriately without raising health concerns or signifying the existence of mental illness. But anger is also known to present itself as a symptom of bigger, more underlying mental health issues. Struggling to control anger can indicate a deeper mental health problem and can be addressed effectively with therapy and anger management.

Category: Anger Management

People who experience sudden, short-lived outbursts of intense anger potentially suffer from what is known as acute anger, or intermittent explosive disorder. Chronic and high-trait anger are usually less impulsive and less severe but typically occur much more often. Over time, intense and persistent stress from acute, chronic, and high-trait anger can all negatively impact the body’s internal systems, leaving you at risk for stroke, cardiac events, ulcers, and other health complications.

Category: Anger Management

Anger is a natural emotion that does not discriminate, no matter how old you are. Children experience anger the same way as adults! Like any other health concern, anger can compound and become more serious when left ignored and unmanaged.

Category: Anger Management

There is a direct correlation between substance use and anger because both can be used as coping mechanisms to deal with distress and deflect responsibility. It is very common for someone struggling with anger to resort to substance abuse, and not uncommon for someone struggling with substance abuse to compound and negatively utilize their anger.

Category: Anger Management

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