The best-known use for Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis is to help quit smoking. Nicotine addiction is incredibly difficult to overcome without aid, and that’s why so many physicians recommend Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis as a tool for quitting. Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis are tools used to change habits, and smoking is just another habit you can attack and be rid of.
Get in touch with our hypnotherapist today to book an appointment.
The University Of Washington School Of Medicine reports a 90.6% success rate from a double-blind clinical trial of 122 female smokers. The University of Iowa published their findings in the Journal of Applied Psychology, that Smoking Cessation through Hypnosis is three times as effective as nicotine replacement (the patch) and 15 times more effective than willpower alone. A study of 71 smokers showed that two years later, those who quit with Hypnosis were twice as likely to never smoke again. Those who had used other methods to quit were more likely to relapse and start smoking again. Even a habit as challenging to break as smoking can be beaten using the power of your mind combined with Hypnosis.
Hypnosis is rapidly becoming known as one of the most beneficial, cost-effective methods for successfully targeting a large number of unique personal challenges. Doc Hypnosis also provides Hypnotic Sales training classes to help people use subliminal messages in sales.
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
-Walt Disney
Hypnosis is rapidly becoming known as one of the most beneficial, cost-effective methods for successfully targeting a large number of unique personal challenges. Doc Hypnosis also provides Hypnotic Sales training classes to help people use subliminal messages in sales.
14045 N 7th Street #2, Phoenix AZ 85022
602 – 483 – 6002
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
-Walt Disney
#1 in Phoenix 3 years in a row!